Keisuke Minami
Born in 1985, originally from Hokkaido. A trail runner, Minami transitioned to ultra-trail running, specializing in races exceeding 100 miles, after spending years dancing at festivals and traveling across the globe.
In 2016, he visited Chichijima in the Ogasawara Islands for the first time and began working in invasive species management to protect the local ecosystem. Currently, as a member of the NPO BOISS, he engages in environmental conservation and promotes trail running as a way to share the beauty of Ogasawara’s natural landscapes, which he deeply connects with through his runs.
Main Achievements: Races
ULTRA-TRAIL Mt. FUJI: 19th place (23:47:00)
Ohrid Ultra Trail (North Macedonia): 3rd place (16:05:07)
La Montagnhard (France): 12th place (18:22:21)
Eiger Ultra Trail E250 (Switzerland): 1st place (49:17:02)
FunTrails Round Chichibu & Okumusashi: 9th place (16:28:57)
Backyard Ultra Last Samurai Standing 2024 (Hokkaido): Winner
Everest 135 Mile Extreme Race (Nepal): 3rd place (89:29:56)
Crossing Switzerland (Switzerland): 5th place (86:50:06)
Suva Trail (Serbia): 6th place (6:01:25)
Main Achievements: Self-Challenges
FKT: Traversing Pyrenees GR10 (France): 9 days, 21 hours, 13 minutes (921.55 km, 54,698 m D+)